Only close friends and family members were invited to Matthew’s first birthday party. We ate pizza and the gorgeous homemade cake that Sarah made. Bob opened the presents while Matthew crinkled the envelope that the card came in, and I took pictures. Aside from the pile of gifts, it wasn’t much different from any other family get together.
Aside from Matthew, his friends, whom we met through various activities or classes this past year, also recently turned one. It’s been a blur of birthday parties big and small.
Surprisingly none of the babies went gaga (pun intended) over the cake. In most instances, they just licked frosting off their fingers or broke off small pieces. Meanwhile the adults had their cameras ready waiting for that cake face money shot. Perhaps it’s not so surprising seeing most of them had never tasted chocolate before now.
Life with a one-year-old feels a bit like an ongoing game of hide and seek. Looking for the keys? Try the play stove. Shoe? In the bathtub. The block with the letter B? Under the bag of potatoes inside of the lazy susan. Wake up cries at 6 a.m.? Hide under the covers. The ball? Behind the cable box. Oh the green one? Check the shoe in the bathtub
As I type this Matt is playing with blocks and making kissing noises. I took a break to join him on the floor and copy the noises. This cracks him up for some reason and he threw himself on my lap for a hug. You found me.