Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Winter Mayhem

This has been one of the snowiest winters in years. The snow plows passing our house lost their appeal to Matthew storms ago. We’ve been trudging through the days playing countless games of Hi Ho Cheerio, going on outings to the library or a hockey game, sampling our hand at making snow candy, shoveling out a snow fort, and making valentines. 

During one particular snowy afternoon Matthew invented “The Stair Game”. He instructed me to name a color (Example yellow) and he would pretend the stairs turned into something of that color (“Whoa, banana peels!”). He has also invented a number of games involving three things he learned about in school: Power Rangers, Star Wars, and Transformers.

Once at 3 a.m. he appeared at our bedside yammering, “Are Transformers good guys or bad guys? What about the one that Josh has? Is that a good guy?” 

This week I’ve begun to feel the first few baby kicks. When I told Matthew this he put a hand on my belly and then fell to the floor. “Oof. The baby kicked me and is really strong!”  He alternates between tender moments like his own idea to paint the baby a valentine or tickling my belly to tickle the baby and some not so affectionate moments like asking us to make a sign that says ‘No babies in your belly allowed’ to hang on his door.

The full sign read “Nobody allowed. No babies in your belly allowed. No monsters.” 

Truthfully, I think he will make a super big brother. He already has the cape.