Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Matthew only had one concern about starting Kindergarten and that was that the buses do not have seat belts. “It must be because there is not enough material to make them,” he decided after giving it some thought.

He is in the afternoon class this year. We drove him to school on his first day because there was a parent/child orientation. Two of his best friends are in his class this year and the three boys were inseparable from the moment they saw one another. 

In the classroom there was a list of things for the children to do with their parents. He had to find his name (written on a Popsicle stick), place it in a cup, and then ring a bell. The parents verified the bus route information (phew!) and he traced and cut out his hand.

Checking out the Berenstain Bear books in the classroom

 Lastly we helped him find his assigned coat hook and cubby and then took pictures of him holding up a frame that said 1st day of Kindergarten. Eventually the parents were ushered out so the learning could continue without our hovering presence.  

At the end of the school day he took the bus home.

Hiding from the Mama-Paparazzi

This is what he told us about his day:

The kids held hands and passed a squeeze around the room. Their record speed was 9 seconds.
There is NO walking under the monkey bars at recess
The gym teacher is old but nice
The bus driver is a girl and nice

It seems like Kindergarten is off to a great start!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Curious Sammy

Trouble? Me?

The word No followed by Sammy is big around here lately. It may be hard to imagine the sort of trouble a baby with delightful round cheeks, soft curls on her head, and a two-tooth smile could get into but here is a list of some of her recent escapades:

She climbed on top of her activity table, the coffee table, and the child sized desk chair  (high enough to peer into her pack n play) 
 She dump out a box of Cheerios
She invited herself to play with Matthew by climbing into his Lego bin 
She threw an action figure and a sippy cup into the trash
She planted a kiss on the toilet
She runs to the top of the basement stairs anytime she hears the door to them open

"I think that's the golden ratio" Uncle Mike

Yet even as I type this there is a smile on my face. Overall she is a good baby. At her one-year-old checkup the doctor discovered that she had a double ear infection which she had never clued us in about with fussy behavior. She sleeps through the night and eats whatever we put in front of her. In fact if you are eating in front of her and not sharing she will open and close her mouth to demonstrate how she eats. Occasionally Matthew pays her the slightest bit of attention but can be a little rough with her by pinning her arms to her during a hug, squishing the sides of her face with both his hands to tell her that she is cute, and knocking her off balance when releasing her from his energetic hug but she takes it all in stride. Her curious nature is what tends to get her into trouble but it is also a part of what we love about her. 

Where's Sammy?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mame & Papa’s House

“Mame is the Boss of the family because she is the oldest.”
“Were dinosaurs around when she was little? No, I mean in zoos?”
“I taught her how to make peanut butter and fluff sandwich!”
                                --Matthew quotes about his beloved Mame

This tree used to have branches from the bottom all the way up to the top. It used to be my favorite climbing tree.

The place that I remember spending the most time as a child is at my grandparent’s house, which has been my grandmother’s home for the last sixty eight years. My mother is the second youngest of her five children, as I was the second youngest of her six grandchildren. Out of her three great-grandchildren Matthew is the second youngest. 

Allow me to give you a virtual tour both of the home. First thing to know about my grandparents that they are huge cat and dog lovers. So if you pull into their driveway, the same driveway that I learned to ride my bike without training wheels on, you might see her current cat Boo greet you from his favorite spot – the top of a car roof. When leaving be careful to check your car for Boo if you left your windows down. 

This is Boo

When he was alive my grandfather (Papa) could usually be found in one of these three places; sitting in the garage enjoying a beer, feeding table scraps to dogs (not always ones that belonged to him), or picking raspberries from the wild bushes near the woods. During Sunday dinners (which were served closer to lunchtime) I was forced to eat all sorts of weird things for a child like sauerkraut and pork, asparagus, and baked potatoes from the oven instead of microwave loaded with butter stored at room temperature. To my grandmother fast food is when you buy shells from the freezer aisle to make stuffed shells. After dinner Papa would usually relax in his leather recliner to read the newspaper or watch sports on their small television with just the basic cable stations. Beside his recliner he had a bowl of Werther's candies which he doled out to the grandchildren who inevitably gathered at his feet as soon as we heard the noise of the wrapper. 

Mame used to keep Tootsie Lollipops in there. I am sure that was its intended use.

We call my grandmother Mame. An older cousin was the one to choose it for her for reasons unclear at the time but the name suites her. Mame means pearl which according to Wiki has become a metaphor for something very rare, fine, admirable, and valuable. I asked her which room in the house was her favorite and her first response was none of them because they have all become cluttered with age. When I pressed her she admitted that it was her bedroom. 

That is some groovy wallpaper in my aunt's old bedroom

Set apart from the other bedrooms, with its own kitchen, walk in closet, and private entrance the bedroom is where my mother recalls Mame spending most of her time when she was younger. She was an avid knitter and many of the drawers, bins, and boxes in various places through the house are stocked with yarn. Recently my mother and I were exploring the kitchen and found all sorts of old miscellaneous items such as a box of Christmas cards from the 50’s, a game called Scribbage (which came home with me – the vintage game is a perfect addition to our game closet), and a parenting book which strongly discourages breast feeding as a “trend”. 

A section about this so called breastfeeding

There are now million dollar homes down the road from the house where there used to be a cow pasture. I learned to count on those cows and it was always a game to see how many you count when driving by. For now the pastures of empty land behind the house remain empty. As a child I earned my badge of bravery by poking large bullfrogs with sticks in the pond, climbing (and falling out of) trees, and eating crab apples right off of tree branches. I am the living proof that crab apples are not poisonous. They are an acquired taste however because to this day my mouth still waters at the memory of how tart they tasted.  

Now my grandmother is a proper lady who plays cribbage and knows how to jar cucumbers to make pickles. She would be mortified to know that I blogged about her dirty book collection kept under her mattress. She worked at a book publishing company and used to bring them home for Papa to read. When my mother asked if we ever found the books, like she and her siblings once had, I told her that only unusual book that I recall was a dictionary of slang words Papa kept by his recliner chair for laughs. It is no wonder I was an early reader– as soon as I was old enough to sound out words I was thumbing through that dictionary. 

Would you like a proper cup of tea?

There were plenty of none dirty books in the house too. In fact my friend Cindy and I once pooled all the Laura Ingalls books, Black Beauty, To Kill a Mockingbird, and several other classics from shelves all over the house to store on bookcases we dragged into my mother’s old bedroom. I spent an afternoon making library cards for each book. Thus The Liberty Library was born. For years I would play in that room when I visited and was very fussy about people taking books from the room without me dating their cards first. To this day Mame still calls the room ‘The library’ even though the books have long since disappeared and the room functions as a guest room. 

An old doll we found in a closet

My mother’s favorite room in the house is the dining room. Between the kitchen and the three season porch it is the smallest room in the house but she and I both recall everyone crowding in to eat at the table together. On one side of the table there was a long bench which the bingo markers, crayons and coloring books were stored inside  Only if the grandchildren were really bored would Mame let us color with her bingo markers. I once blotted a misspelled sign that read ‘Mam’s kitchen’ and a heart underneath it which she hung in her kitchen for at least twenty years until the yellowed corners rolled up. Mame taught all her grandchildren how to play Go Fish, Rummy, and Solitaire at that table. 

Plates pictures of the their church on the wall of the dinning room

There are some things in that house that do not have a story. For example the oil painting of a white woman wearing a jeweled headscarf on the wall near Mame and Papa’s bed. Mame can recall the full name and address of the high school aged boy who wrote my aunt Gretchen a love letter that we found wedged under some spools of thread on a high shelf, but suspects the painting might have been passed down from her mother-in-law. Gretchen now lives in North Carolina where she will be receiving an old love letter in the mail any day now. 

Mystery painting

It is impossible to leave without Mame giving you some fruit to take with you. A banana for Sammy seeing she only has a couple teeth, green grapes for Matthew because they are his favorite and watermelon for my mom because her horse likes the rinds. Papa use to give me raspberries to take home by the quart and I recently thought of him while raspberry picking with the kids at a farm
She caught on amazingly fast!

I hope that you enjoyed your virtual tour of the home. On your way out you may find that it is easier to drive over the lawn to the street (really, it is fine!) than trying to back out of the driveway onto the curvy back road. Just remember to check for Boo!

One of Sammy's first visits to Mame's house

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Hall Closet II

Remember in November when I was so excited about re-organizing our hall closet? It stayed that way almost three full seasons before it became overcrowded again. Leftover party supplies from the kid’s birthdays were tossed in there, Matthew took to shelving his bobble head collection on the bottom shelf, and my books were spilling out.

This is the before:

This is it after:

I was already in a closet organizing frame of mind when I started the project because last week Matthew and I collected all the board games in the house and moved them to what we now call The Game Closet in our garage.

I drew Monopoly game cards for each of us and cut out dice and dominoes from construction paper to decorate the outside of the closet. On the inside we hung up old score sheets, the earliest dating back to 3/30/03.

Photos were taken at night so they came out a little dark

These are some old team names:

Purple Peacocks
Zombie Patriots
One Smart Wookie
Banker & The Candlestick Maker
Bank Robbers
Cat Burglars

The Game Closet has encouraged a spike in board game play around here. Matthew and I played a two day game of Monopoly and about 50,000 rounds of Slamwich during one rain soaked weekend recently. 

It is not unusual for a stuffed friend or two to join in the game play

In quite a few games that we play the number 6 is the best number to roll. Matthew has a chant that he says before he rolls the dice:

“One, two, three, four, five, six – pickup sticks- I want to roll a six.”

It never gets old.  Right Bob?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

This Summer (3)

This Summer I'm... 

Visiting the farm with the kids and Aunt Deb

Being surprised with a birthday dinner out arranged by Bob

Writing out many thank you notes for all the thoughtful and unexpected gifts that I received for my birthday!

Laughing at Matthew asking “what just happened?” after waking up from a mid afternoon nap

Laughing at him laughing so hard after seeing Olivia the pig “naked” in her first book (she wears a red dress in the other books)

Teaching Sammy to eat with a spoon 

Hiding from the snake sunning itself on our patio (you didn't expect me to stick around to take pictures, did you?!) 

Spending an afternoon playing and cooling off at the splash pad at our favorite park

Stocking up on summer clothes for next year during the end of season sales

Receiving many kisses and from one-year-old Sammy and loving each one! That is when she finds the time between her many phone calls!

Enjoying Matthew's paper to Lego creations