Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pajama Day

Before I went back to work I spent all my time emailing or taking baby activity classes as my way of staying linked to the “outside world”. I was the one putting on a puppet show for my newborn who was perfectly content to stare at his mobile all day. 

I also made a point to leave the house everyday unless the roads were snowy in which I would bundle him up and take him out in the sled for fresh air.

There is an excerpt from the book Perfect Madness Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety, “Everyone was too busy with “activities.” It was hard to just spend time just sort of vegetating in the sun because our kids, overstimulated by daily story hours and Gymboree, couldn’t just play in the sandbox, or run around the flagpole, or climb without running to us every five minutes. Without our having constantly to explain interpret, facilitate the world for them.” 

That was me in a nutshell until I decided to take back control of my planner.  It’s now a Tuesday that I have off from work and the only thing written on my planner for today is Pajama Day as my reminder to not make any plans for the day.

Instead of leaving the house I make blueberry pancakes and cut them into fun shapes with cookie cutters, Matt and I dance to the Barenaked Ladies, and he jams his ball popper with blocks and markers. We take a walk around the block at snails pace so he can inspect every rock and fallen leaf he sees and we read the same Frog and Toad story three times in a row. When Bob comes home from work we are blowing bubbles on the lawn instead of unpacking the car after a day trip. It was a relaxing day!


  1. Pajama Day definition - planning a day with no plans!

  2. Has he kissed you yet?

  3. I love pajama day! And wahoo for nixing baby massage in lieu of new jeans:) You have totally reminded me that summer is slipping by and I have yet to have a do-nothing (guilt free) fun day with my kidlets. Thanks Laurie! And great pics, as always:)

  4. What a great idea to block off your calendar with a pj day once in a while. Now I need a pajama day.

    And I love the quote on your profile. I have to keep reminding myself of that when the pessimistic side of my brain plants those seeds of doubt (and when I don't think I have time to write).
