Thursday, February 26, 2009

Meeting Elmo


We are waiting in line to meet Elmo at a bookstore. The line snakes so far out of the children’s area that we can’t see him in the fur yet but Matt is just happy enough to see the Elmo merchandise prominently displayed at his eye level.

An employee with sample sized hot chocolate with whipped cream and white chocolate shavings on top along with wedges of lemon frosted donuts stops by our section of the line. A sugar high is probably the last thing a line full of young children needs but exactly what the parents all need.

We inch closer and closer and soon can see Elmo sitting in a chair like royalty among his loyal toddler subjects. Matthew immediately grins and waves at him. When it is finally our turn to take a picture Matthew looks both delighted and star struck.


  1. He blends right in with Elmo. I hope he remembers meeting his idol. You hated pizza at his age too by the way.....

  2. You guys do the most fun things with Matthew! He is so lucky to have such fun parents. :D

    BTW, I tagged you over at Midwest Moms. Come have a look.

    You're "it."

    - Julia
