Thursday, August 12, 2010

Banana Sandwiches

Of course I’ve still been keeping tabs on the funny things Matt has said lately:

“Excuse me I’m listening!” When he overheard us talking about him.

“Like it or no?” As in like it or not?

“I’m redecorating.” After he dragged his truck rug to our bedroom and hung stands of tape on his toy box and shelves.

“My muscles are tired. Can we go to you car to snuggle?” At work with me on Children’s Day.

“Take this off, I don’t need it” About his thumb getting in the way of his shadow puppets.

“I don’t want to make banana bread; I want to make banana sandwiches.”

“One more toy!” Meaning him after handing me all his bath toys.

And my personal favorite:

“I’m really handsome, but I need a haircut.”

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