Friday, December 17, 2010

Despicable Me

“My mommy is going to pick me up from school right after snack time,” Matt told his teacher the second he took off his coat and stepped into the classroom.

“Despackable me,” I heard him telling a playmate when I picked him up.

“Desicklable me?” The boy inquired.

“Yeah, it’s cool,” Matthew concluded. Noticing my arrival then he threw the stamp roller aside, flung the picture he made at me, and began pulling me by the hand towards the cubbies. “Are you taking me to the movie theatre now?”

“Yes of course.”

The movie theater reminds me of the old one we used to go to while on vacation when I was a child. There is one step to indicate the upper and lower levels, the seats are wide and comfortable despite the fact that they do not recline, and tickets are only $3.50 for a matinee.  There are no brain teasers, advertisements, or behind the scenes features before the movie starts. The screen is dark and peaceful until that moment of excitement when the previews to the movie come on.

“I don’t want anyone sitting next to me,” Matthew putting his legs up on the back of the seat in front of us to block the aisle.

 “You shouldn’t worry about that.” Aside from us the only other people there are a family of four sitting on the other side of the theater.

The movie begins and halfway through Matthew whispers that he is three-years old.

“Did you say you have to pee?” I whisper back.

“No, I’m three!” He counts on his fingers, starting with his thumb, “One. Two. Three!”

When the movie was over Matthew was amazed by the change to a moonlit sky. “Was that movie on forever ago? Am I four?”

Later at bedtime he throws himself into my arms, “Thank you for taking me to the movies to see Despackable Me at apartment number four!" Suddenly I wish it wasn’t his bedtime already. 

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