Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello October!

There are pumpkins on the stairs, paper bats in the window, and a scarecrow in the yard. That can only mean one thing – it’s October! This past month flew by fast – here are some of things that we have been up to: 

·         Bob and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary!
·         Matthew is mayor of our town. No, not really, it just feels that way because everywhere we go in town he runs into someone that he knows from either sports or school and a quick errand ends up in a play date.
·         Sammy is growing a third tooth on the top of her mouth – which makes a total of 2 ½ teeth.

·         Matthew comes off the bus everyday with stories from kindergarten. He is learning about Johnny Appleseed and the ‘school way’ of writing letters. At a sleepover with Grandma and Papa he showed off his Pledge of Allegiance knowledge by reciting it for them repeatedly.
·         Sammy is ear infection free for the first time in a LONG time!
·         Matthew went to his very first Patriots game with Bob. He sat and watched the entire game without getting antsy and they had a blast cheering for the team.  

·         Sammy is saying new words like, “Good Girl” and “Go!” She loves shaking her head ‘No’, riding her rocking horse, and dancing by stomping her left foot 
·         We have been enjoying our favorite fall recipes like harvest soup and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. 

This is our busiest time of the year – we still have apple picking to do and pies to make, a trip to Vermont planned, plus lots of football and Halloween plans. We're ready to dive in and to enjoy the chaos!

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