Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Apple Town, California

One morning last weekend Matthew invented Apple Town, California. When asked where this was coming from he responded that he liked apples. As he talked we drew and colored his ideas onto paper. Seven pages later a town was born.


The Red apple train station. One train drives through the town with signs that read, ‘Welcome to Apple Town,’ and ‘Leave out cups when it rain for Apple Juice’. The Green Apple bank where someone stands outside with a basket of apples for you to take one. The passenger train which also provides transportation to the Yellow Apple School for grades K-12.

 The Apple Town Stadium where a football game with the Patriots and Vikings is going on. The building with a golden apple on top is the Apple Town Hotel and next to it is the restaurant. 
Matthew: Do you know what it is called?
Me: Apple Town restaurant?
Matthew: Of course not. It's Applebees!

The Apple Science Museum -with sign noting the dinosaur exhibit. The Apple Town Amusement Park where day passes to all the rides can be purchased for a steal at $10.99. Lastly in the bottom right corner is Boba Fett. This is Matthew's imagination after all!

  Apple Town, California in all its glory!

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