Thursday, September 18, 2008




Matthew and I are trying this new fad called uh, jogging. I believe it's jogging or yogging. It might be a soft j. I'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild (-- Anchorman quote).

The jogging stroller is stored in the part of the basement with Matthew’s sled and other out of use items. It hasn’t been used since spring and I have to wipe the cobwebs off and pop on the front wheel before we are ready to go. We set out to loop the neighborhood in a walk/run combination. It’s early in the morning and a fresh chill of air blows freckled red, green, and yellow leaves from the trees. Matthew claps and cheers whenever we speed up.

On our third time around the block we round a corner and the front stroller wheel pops off. The stroller and I collide. Some neighbors of ours  nod at me as they pass and in an attempt to save face I jog the rest of the way home despite the scrapes and new bruises already forming on my legs.


  1. I must say-you have a very nice blog.
    Tell me what you think about mine.

  2. That was a great blog. You sure keep him busy and healthy at the same time.

  3. I've just found your blog and have been enchanted by your stories of Matthew. I have added you to my blogroll so that I can keep up to date with your wonderful stories.

  4. LOL - that was hilarious...I can just see it - attack of the stroller, which is the main reason I don't see why I need to take on that "sport" over here. I have enough toys on the floor that like to attack me.

    thanks for stopping by - and I can so relate to turning my head and eating - ha!! In fact, I just did that the other day...too funny!

  5. First you and Matt fall down the cellar stairs. Then I fall down the front steps. Now you go flying while "jogging". Boy, are we a clumsy family or what!!!

  6. Laurie --

    I know what you mean about exercise. It's so important (and yet, the potential for embarassment is so real!) :D When I was pregnant with my daughter, I went from aerobics (which my boys called "dance class" -- ha.) to yoga at home. Once, in a department store, my son got down on the floor and started doing some of the, well, less flattering stretches from my yoga tape. When I blushed and asked him to get up off the floor, he said loudly, "But Mommy, you do this all the time at home!"

    Yep. Believe it.

    Thanks for the fun post!
