Thursday, December 4, 2008

The New And Old Us

At about this time last year Bob and I signed all the necessary papers to our new home. We had chosen the-house-with-the-big-kitchen-but-only-two-bedrooms-upstairs, which was a twenty minute drive west of our apartment. Christmas was coming, so in between thoughts of ‘this wall will have to painted, I want to put shelves on that wall, those floral couches are being donated to Salvation Army, our bed will be on the opposite side to face the windows, does it smell in here?’ we were responsible for introducing Matthew, seven months at the time, to the magical holiday season upon us.

It was a shame that he hated our new house with a vengeance. It might have the many bowls of vinegar left out to absorb the hindering mix of dog and cigarette smoke smell from the previous owners. Or that he had just leaned to crawl but was confined to the pack ‘n play while his parents disinfected, steam cleaned, and scrubbed every room. Or perhaps he didn’t feel at home yet with his toys and books stored in cardboard boxes.

I didn’t feel at home right away either. Our apartment furniture, a plaid hand me down sofa set, a table missing a chair, and mismatched bedroom furniture from Bob and my childhoods, made our apartment look cozy and fun. In the house it looked mismatched like the Land of Lost Toys. I also knew the mark of the New Year meant I would have to begin job searching and I was rather comfortable in my routine of mommy & me classes, playgroup on Wednesdays, and lunch dates.

Before we knew it we had unpacked and were receiving all of our mail at our new address. Our Christmas tree had been put up and I learned how to work our new fangled oven with buttons instead of knobs. Matthew had his first official Christmas morning, opening presents and knocking ornaments off the tree, in the only home he would refer to one day as his childhood home. Over the winter the white walls of his bedroom were painted blue and the dated brass ceiling fan was replaced with a baseball one. His toys and books were emptied into white wicker baskets with blue gingham lining. It was our first room makeover and certainly not our last.

Over the course of the year, more rooms were repainted and I was able to find a job with flexible enough hours to keep up my motherhood activities. We purchased new dining and living room furniture, which I sometimes look at it and laugh at how grownup it looks.  Bob and my bedroom furniture is still mismatched but with a new bedspread to compliment the cherry chocolate paint on the wall, it’s a dedication to the old and new us.

This year with Christmas once again around the corner and now that we are settled into our home it is just that, our home. Once again we are introducing Matthew to the magical season upon us, but I have a feeling a lot more ornaments will be knocked off of the tree this year.


  1. Eye-catching living room furniture that not only looks amazing but is also affordable, check out this classy living room furniture

  2. I'm happy you love your home and it will be a perfect Christmas this year because Matt will start to remember them going forward. I look forward to enjoying them with him over the years.

  3. This was my favorite blog post thus far! I especially like the "baby hobo" comment. What a wonderful, busy year it has been!

  4. What a wonderful post.

    Every time I unpack the Christmas decorations at our house, it's like living life in 'rewind' mode. I keep all the decorations the kids make, and we use them to decorate the house. Your mattress may scream child endangerment, but the plethora of paper nativity scenes and santa clauses that adorn our kitchen screams 'fire hazard'!

    Enjoy your Christmas with your wonderful family. :D

  5. I'm planning for shopping for some nice home furniture…. will checkout for it.
