Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grandma Writes

I'm Laurie's mom and Matthew's grandmother, "Grammy".  I had the absolute pleasure of watching him one day this past weekend while Laurie and Bob went out birthday shopping for him.

When I first arrived at the house  Matt gave me a big smile and then proceeded to put on his shy act by turning his head into his mom and clinging to her.

After holding him and standing in the window so he could wave and yell “BYE”, we proceeded into the living room where he promptly walked over to the TV and started jabbering in his baby talk and pointing to the various remote controls on the coffee table. He wanted to watch something, so after fiddling around with all three remotes the TV fired up and a DVD started to play. It was a cartoon about a little boy being watched by his Grandmother and in one scene the Grandmother puts on a record and they dance around the room together.

"DASS - DASS – DASS," Matthew grabbed my hands and pulled me into a type of dance that involved us spinning around and him falling to the floor when the boy in the cartoon would fall down. Afterwards I straightened my back out and sat down on the couch where I thought we could take up reading a book.

"WEE-RIND?” Matthew frantically gestured to the remote controls, “DASS - DASS – DASS!” So we did this over and over.........and over.

Next we went on a wagon ride and while we were walking by a house a gigantic dog came bounding out of nowhere and ran right up to Matt! The dog was friendly - Matt seemed to know him too because when the dog turned around to leave he yelled out, "DOGGY!....BYE!" ".

After that we went home to play in the backyard. He loved it when I crammed myself into his toy house, we had a rock throwing contest, I did the digging and Matt supplied the sound effects - grunt, grunt, grunt - while my foot did the work, and I pushed him around in his plastic car.

When I tucked him into his crib for a nap he proceeded to sing himself to sleep. Later learned that when Matthew had woken up for his nap the first thing he did was look for me.

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