Thursday, May 7, 2009

Peek A Boo Guess Who's Two?


“Sit down,” Matthew is always telling me these days, “Sit down pease.” He will say this when he simply wants me play with him, or wants me to watch him play, or if I’m off taking pictures  when we are supposed to be having a picnic together. There is always something else I could be doing, writing a thank you note, checking my email, or reading a magazine, but most of the time I obligingly comply if only for a couple minutes to let him know that I’m always listening.

Matthew turned two years old! If you ask him his age he might tell you that he is two or five or nine. For his birthday this year we did a Curious George theme. We celebrated with red, blue, and yellow decorations, homemade Play-Doh, and served lunch, monkey munch and two types of cake to house full of family and friends. It was a lot of fun.

Two seems like a wonderful age.  I find the messiness and curiosity inspiring. One evening this week I took Matt outside with me to throw out a trash bag and he began collecting fallen tree buds that look like caterpillars. When he was finished he dumped them on our outside table to examine them. When it was time to go inside he followed me but his mind seemed to be lost in his own thoughts of his new discovery.

“Truck! Bus!” Driving in the car with a two year old is a joy. Matt likes to point out every single truck or bus that we pass. His voice is high pitched with excitement at the more trucks or buses he sees. I now find my eyes being drawn to trucks and buses even when he is not in the car.

“It’s dirty! Yuuuckk,” Matthew over exaggerates in reference to his mud splattered t-ball stand after a rain storm, “Ohhhh noooo,” he wails when the ball falls off the tee before he can hit it then a moment later after hitting the ball, “I did it!” with a modest shrug of the shoulders and big grin on his face.

Happy Birthday Matthew!


  1. Wow! Happy birthday!! :D

    You know, with all of mine, two was the year of discovery -- when their personalities really rose to the fore. We didn't deal with obstinant behavior until age three.

    So, enjoy the year! I know you'll love it.

    (And Happy Mother's Day!! Hope it's a great day for you!)

    - Julia

  2. Happy Birthday to Matty! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. He's so much fun!
