Thursday, July 9, 2009


At first, Matthew was more interested in the fallen sticks along the wooded path that lead to the sand area and water. Once he had enough sticks in his arms to start a campfire he handed them all to me and walked ahead to the beach with Bob. He was a little timid around the water but became more comfortable each time he went to the shoreline to fill up his bucket with water for his sandcastle.

Bob took Matthew out wading in the water which I thought was too cold. They collected rocks and looked for fish while I took pictures of the lake and the two of them. Then I heard a splash and saw that Matthew had lost his balance and fallen under the water. I reacted as any sane mother would react, the same as though a great white shark had just carried him off. Bob had helped him up by the second time I had shouted, “Get him!”. The whole incident had only lasted a matter of seconds but while Matthew didn’t even cry.

We have a picnic and then there is more splashing around the water and digging in the sand until it is time for us to get home so that I can log on to work from home and Matthew can take his afternoon nap. As we are walking back up the wooded path the ice cream truck arrives, which Matthew will tell you was his highlight of the afternoon if you asked him.

The 4th of July is the following day. We didn’t have any big plans to celebrate the holiday because I was working from home again in the afternoon. In the morning, I set up a table outside with red, white, and blue art supplies. Matthew may appreciate this but fully ignores it to play a game that involves a bin full of rainwater and a net. For lunch, we do a cookout. Bob grills hotdogs and hamburgers while I boil corn on the cob and slice up some cucumbers and strawberries. For dessert, I bake a blueberry nectarine cobbler. To make it more special we eat in the dinning room, which hadn’t been used since Matthew’s second birthday in May. While eating our Independence Day feast Matthew tells us ‘jokes’.

“It’s dark outside… it’s not dark outside!” This is his first and favorite joke. Of course, we laugh each time he tells it.

Later that afternoon, Bob takes Matthew. When they return home, Matthew brings me two pinecones. “Piecones” he called them. I am pleased that he would share his treasure with me. For that reason I treasure them.


  1. Thank you for protecting us during the thunderstorm even though we infringed on your workspace!

  2. Matt's a treasure to me! I'm glad everyone was safe through the thunderstorm.
