Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Preschool Visit

“My toes hurt,” Matt announces inside the car. 

“Have you seen my dog? Where is my dog?” Matthew has solved his toe problems by removing his shoes and putting his socks on his hands as puppets. That is probably the second funniest thing he has done on a grocery shopping trip. The first would be when after we thought for one heart stopping moment that we lost him, but then spotted him hiding on the bottom shelf of the paper towels.

We are on our way to check out a preschool. Matthew is very excited about school. He knows that his favorite storybook characters all go to school as well as his two best friends at daycare. “We are going to school to get shots!” he cheers. He also knows that the only two times he has been inside of a school has been to get H1N1 vaccines.

The preschool is set up exactly the way that I hoped it would be. Cubbies with names assigned to them, art smocks hung up on the wall, toys organized by category, small tables with colorful chairs, and full book shelves low enough for children to reach and read. Matt made a beeline for the train table, where he stayed while the adults chatted and asked questions.

The teacher told us about the classroom size, rates, daily activities, and showed us the school yard with a big fenced in playground. The school was everything we were looking for and as an added bonus close enough to our home that we could bike ride there on the warmer days. When it was time to go Matthew didn’t want to leave. Already he can’t wait to start school in the fall.


  1. He's already a A student in my book! He can already count and he beat me at the train game we played the other day. Love the new sneakers too - I wish I could get away with wearing footwear that has blinky lights on them!

  2. Living out of a suitcase sounds like an adventure!
