Thursday, September 10, 2009

About A Bunny

Our family has adopted a four-month-old Giant Flemish rabbit that we named Pepper.

 I stopped off at a pet store to stock up on bunny supplies and treats. They gave me a lesson on litter box training and printed me out a sheet of cliff notes for basic rabbit care.

The following day Matthew came along with me to a family owned farm to pick up the bunny that we decided to name Pepper. In his lap Matthew holds a willow ball ready to give her as a greeting present. A few days prior the breeder had emailed me pictures. In a sea of steel gray, white with black polka dots, and nestle brown, Pepper stood out to me as the only bun with an all black coat. She almost blended into the background as the pictures were taken in the evening.

When we pulled up to the farm Matthew became shy, “Carry you? Carry you?” he asked me before remembering  to say instead, “Carry me?” We met the breeder, some ducklings, and then a pen full of dozens of bunnies of all different ages and breeds. Up close I saw that Pepper had a couple tufts of brown fur. She was scooped into a wooden box that looked sort of like a lobster trap.

“Mine?” Matthew piped up, pointing to the lobster trap box.

“Yes, we get to take her home,” I told him and watched his eyes light up with excitement.

At home we let Pepper out in the yard to play.

During my research online I learned that rabbits can actually be scared to death. Lucky for us Pepper seems to be a mellow rabbit. Moments after her arrival in our home, she ate carrot sticks out of Matthew’s hand and didn’t seem bothered when he sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to her, rather loudly, four times in a row. Watching them together made me certain that Pepper was the right choice for our family.


  1. Pepper looks like a very friendly rabbit. I hope that Matthew has lots of happy hours with his new bunny friend.

  2. Thank you! She has been very docile thus far.. so far so good!
