Thursday, October 22, 2009

Playing Farm


“Play farm?” Matthew asks me, as I change him from his octopus feetsie pajamas into his sport ball feetsie pajamas at his request. “Please?”

“Ok,” I agree, even though I think it is the most boring game on earth to play with him.

“Farm” – Game 1

“Help! Hurry, hurry!” Matthew coaches me to say. I hold onto a Little People girl and repeat my lines in a high voice. He drives a Tonka fire truck over to his toy farm and a fireman “rescues” the animals one by one.

“Farm” – Game 2

“Wait, come back!” Matthew calls to his toy school bus. I am in charge of loading the animals on and off a school bus. I must remember to say, “Here is your money” and mime handing money to the driver.

“Farm” – Game 3

The fireman falls off the ladder and has to be taken away in the ambulance. Matthew then takes out his toy doctor’s kit, gives him a pretend exam, and tells him he is all better. Rule of thumb: Game 1 may lead to game 3 but game 2 must be played alone.

These games are cute for the first forty three times.

For breakfast I make scrambled eggs and homemade biscuits and jam. Matthew loves to play in the kitchen, so while I cooked, I let him mix cinnamon, nutmeg, dry pasta noodles, and cups of water together in a plastic bowl for the fun of it.

“Yummy,” Matthew compliments after taking a bite off the plate that I prepared. It makes me so happy when he enjoys a meal, even scrambled eggs.

The next task of the morning was to move Pepper’s cage inside for the winter.

We made her a little nook of her own in the basement with decorated walls of Matt’s artwork at his suggestion.

“Mommy? Mama? Mommy?” Matthew calls while climbing back upstairs.


“Play Farm? Please?”


  1. You used our good towels for the bunny instead of the old ones down in the basement???

  2. I'm glad Pepper will be inside for the winter where she can keep warm. She's gotten so big.

  3. That's one awesome farm set up!!
