Monday, April 16, 2012

9 months spells T–R-O-U-B-L-E

Our baby girl turned 9-months-old as of yesterday. She is starting to pull herself up onto anything and everything. She is getting more vocal each day and seems to want to sing more than talk. Everything goes into her mouth whether it is our guest’s shoes, her brother’s sandwich, or the welcome rug by the door.  Sammy is sweet natured and full of giggles but also a trouble maker. She makes a beeline for Matthew the second she is within crawling range and tries to get to his toys, tugs on his shirt or arm, and sits snuggled up close to him. Another avenue of opportunity for her is the bookcase. We keep the board books on the bottom row because she loves to pull books off the shelf. The other day Bob I was holding her along with Bob’s keys and wallet in parking lot and she managed to thieve the wallet and was swinging it upside down before either of us noticed. Pretty soon she will be walking and getting into all sorts of trouble Bob and I have not even thought of yet!

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