Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our Busy Day

A friend of mine works at a library which was having a Star Wars Party this past weekend. The timing worked out perfectly so that we could attend the SW party an hour before skating lessons.  We met a Clone Trooper and some other sort of character which name escapes me. The Clone Trooper was able to pluck out the Darth Vader tune on a piano which Matthew found astonishing. Who knew the hidden talents these Clone Troopers possessed?  

Meanwhile Sammy practiced standing without holding on by using her belly to balance her against a crate of blocks. It was a morning of hidden talents. 

Later Matthew displayed his ice skating talents by completing his last skating lesson in the pre-tot level. Next he moves up to tot 1 which will put him one level closer to his goal of playing on a hockey team. 

Sammy was able to catch a twenty minute nap during the ride from the skating rink to the riding rink. Grammy took Matthew horseback riding and taught him how to stop and turn the horse while in the saddle. 

When we got home our new shed was put together by Bob and Papa.  They had been quite busy too! 

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