Friday, May 11, 2012

Bedtime In Crazy Town

Caught in the act

 Bedtime for the kids is typically between the 7 and 8 o’clock hour of the night. While I give Sammy her bath Matthew is in charge of picking up his toys.  Sometimes I have to remind him of this while getting Sammy dressed after her bath.Picking out bedtime stories comes next. Matthew will pick out more than he can carry and Sammy enjoys pulling them off the bookshelves. She will sit patiently for the first story but then gets fidgety and is either put to bed or down to chew on a board book while we finish the rest. 

We have gotten into the habit of writing down the books that we read so that he can earn a new badge from the library. Every twenty books with a grown up earns a new one. He recently acquired his very own library card too, the big shot five-year-old that he is. 

Still searching for the perfect book

Some of our favorite bedtime stories lately:

Tickle Monster – Matthew is always the tickle monster much to his and Sammy’s delight.
Can You Make A Scary Face? -  About a bug trying to chase away a frog. In the end our scary face scares the bug into wishing the frog would come back.  
There is a Monster t the End of the Book – In this classic Sesame Street book Grover warns readers to not turn the page because there is a monster ( which ends up being him) on the last page.
 We Are In A Book – the characters are IN a book and they quickly realize they don’t want the book to end. 

Board Books
All the Hippos Go Beserk – Matthew loved this book as a baby and now Sammy does too. One hippo alone once more, misses the other 44.

Bedtime Books
Berenstain Bears Bad Dream –Brother bear is very relatable to Matthew especially in this book where Space Grizzles are similar to Star Wars characters 

 LEGO books – Catch that crook! Defend that Castle! Fight the fire!  
Magic Tree House Books- Like any good story this one starts at the library. Another boy named Matthew met my Matthew and the two got to chatting. Aside from having the same name they were both 4 ½ . When the other Matthew asked which Magic Tree house book he was on this Matthew was stumped. We had not heard of these books before and decided to check them out. They are a chapter book series about a brother and a sister who find a magical tree house in the woods which takes them on many adventures. 

Or maybe it was Matthew that she was looking for

After story time they are tucked into bed. At this time Sammy does not have a favorite blanket or stuffed animal but will yell if not fed one last bottle before being put to bed. Matthew sleeps with an assortment of stuffed friends and some nights will flip through books using the reading lamp clipped to his bed. Most nights, especially after an extra busy day he falls asleep almost immediately.

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