Thursday, June 17, 2010

Four Seasons

Last year I wrote a father’s day blog with fragments of emails that Bob has sent me over the year about Matthew. It was and still is the most visited blog on this site. This year I’ve compiled a list again to the tradition rolling. Happy Father’s Day Bob!

Summer 2009
After I stole his fruit leather from him, he was very angry. I made him a nice dinner but he picked up the plate and threw it on the ground and wouldn't eat anything.

When I asked him to brush his teeth he stuck his hand in the toilet (not toothbrush).

Oh I forgot, I also found him laying on his changing table so he can climb up there now too.

Do you think matt hates me?

He says "dada... dark outside" and points out the window. Then when you look he says "not dark outside!" and bursts out laughing.

For dinner he had grilled cheese and blueberries. And he had a bath to wash off the slug guts.

Matt looked longingly out the window and said "Cream truck, where are you?"

He acts like me playing video games, yelling at the screen when the game cheats and moving the controller around. He wouldn't share either for about 20 minutes.


When we got home the first thing matt wanted to do was see the bunny of course
so I let him give that thing a carrot that it didn't eat

Matt was sleeping very soundly still when I got to Julie's. I nudged him gently to wake him up but he just pulled the covers over his head and rolled over and went back to sleep.

We played a lot of games of him handing me something imaginary and I had to put it in my pocket. I assume it was money but it was a confusing game.

We went to get my oil change and matt brought trucks to play with. While they were working, he sang "ding dong ding dong I love you truck" to his trucks.

Matt is very concerned about the bunny outside during boom booms. After a boom boom he came in the room and said "dada, bunny ok? boom booms outside."

He also wanted to play with his cat in the hat doll ("cat hat") which seemed random. Did he just wake up and say "I haven't played with the cat in the hat for 6 months, he'll be my favorite today"?
He slept with cat hat.

When we were getting out of the car at home, Matt headbutted me so hard that my nose bled. I'm still seeing stars now three hours later. It wasn't on purpose, but I still yelled at him because a) it hurt and b) he needs to be more mindful of other people's space.

Fall 2009

I watched him closely to make sure he didn't choke or eat popcorn kernels. He loved it and kept calling it "acorns".

Yes, we said goodnight to Pepper! I know you were going to ask me!!!

At home, Matt helped me pick out some new photos for my desk at work. Every picture we looked at, he wanted to "go again". I guess that means he really enjoyed his summer! I did too!!!

Sorry there's not much more to this update, but all he really did was play with trains for 3 hours with a very short break for dinner and a bath.

At Julie's house, Matt laid on the ground pretending to have a boo-boo so he could trick her into two band aids, including a pink Hello Kitty one.

We read the Franklin blanket book which might as well be called Banana Who Book because B-Who does smell like rotten brussels sprouts.

We just chatted and I asked him if Santa Claus was going to bring presents under the tree and he said "No, Grandma coming soon with presents for Matthew". He also asked if we could take a plane to the moon.

My old excuse for not carrying him downstairs in the laundry basket was that my arm hurt, but now that always makes him go get the doctor's kit to fix me so I can carry him downstairs.

For dinner he had some of my penne. I didn't know I liked penne, or that Matt liked penne.

Winter 2009-2010
He was kind of boogery tonight so I gave him some medicine before bed then we laid on the couch for our nightly Christmas carols.

He got upset that I stood on the couch to put the curtains back up. "Dada, no standing on the couch! Get down!"

Matt was doing his Cookie Monster tonight . He took all the junk mail and pretended to eat it and crumpled it all up like a madman and then said he was Cookie Monster. Then he went and did it to his train tracks and was like "Yum yum yum I Cookie Monster... ... oh no what happened to my trains??? " I explained to him that Cookie Monster shouldn't eat train tracks.

After his bath, he asked to read "one big book" before bedtime

He told me to email the Grinch so he could watch it again

Matt's new thing is to say something was a long time. "Dada I was in the bath for a long time". "I played trains for a long time." "I eat dinner for a long time"

At bed time he told me "In the morning I climb out of bed, open all the windows, find mama, and play more trains

I got so many emails from you today. I don't even know where to begin. It’s all a bit overwhelming.

At dinner, he told me I couldn't eat "mama's lettuce" or use a "special bowl" (regular white one) but I did anyway.

Spring 2010

For dinner he wanted "hot dog sandwich" and crunchy munchy trees.

I’m going to have to start working part time just so I have enough free time to fix bobbleheads

I will now give you a play by play of the last five minutes
Matt: Dad? Daaaaaaad? cough cough gag blah aggggh
Dad: Are you ok bud?
Matt: I threw up blueberries (he did not throw up or even eat blueberries)
Dad: I don't see any blueberries
Matt: Oh... I'm reeeeaaaaaly sick (in sad voice)
Dad: I know, the medicine will help soon.
Matt: (notices box of Cheezits in my hand and suddenly is no longer using sick voice) What is that Dada? I have some? Pleaaaaasse?
(I gave him 1 cheezit then put him back to bed. 1 minute later, he came out into the kitchen)
Matt: Dad, what's that noise? Oh, you eatin the crackers? I have some? Milk please?

Right before he went to bed, he told me "Tomorrow morning when I see the sun, I am going to yell Mama, come play Chutes and Ladders"

He came out in the kitchen and found me
Matt: What is that?
Dad: Its medicine
Matt: Sniff. Sniff. That doesn't smell like grape. Its not medicine! Its ice cream!
And then he took a bite

He's back in bed. tucked in good "so no bugs get me".

He told me when he wakes up he is going downstairs, putting on his shoes, and yelling "mama let's play outside now

It’s a huge bump he put the ice on for 1/2 second "oh it feels better now. I guess I'll watch TV in your room for a little bit"

Matt told me Julie said a bad word today. The bad word was "trash can" I explained that is not a bad word.

He said “my poop is getting some lunch to eat at the restaurant in my bum but it will be here.”

Matt helped me fix the cabinet door but instead of tools, he got out his giant pad of paper and a marker and wanted to draw tools and screws. Then he walked into the kitchen with his construction hat, tool belt, and pad of paper.

Matt tricked me into a number of vanilla wafers tonight claiming he had a boo-boo on his knee and needed nilla wafers. After the first one, he said it didn't make it better and after the second "its still not better dad". Luckily the third one cured his knee injury.

He read his books to me and stopped after each page to turn it and show me the pictures like a good story teller.

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