Monday, October 3, 2011

Fair Play

“When are we going to be there? What is your car made out of? What happens if your arm gets tired of ringing doorbells on Halloween? “These are some of the questions Matthew asked on our way to the fair. 

Fairs are wonderful fall tradition of ours. Where else can you eat fresh cider donuts while waiting in line to get a picture of a headless man?

There is some of the most curious deep fried food at fairs. When we are not food watching, we are people watching. On two separate occasions parades seemed to materialize out of thin air. When are not people watching we are animal watching. 

 My favorite moment of this trip was on the tour of an old schoolhouse.  A woman dressed as a teacher from the 19th century demonstrated teaching in that era. The audience was her students. Matthew leaned over to me and whispered, “Is this kindergarten?”  

 He will tell you that his favorite part is the rides. At one point he roared, “I’m having the best day ever!” 

 If Sammy could talk I think the moment that she would fondly recall would be nursing outdoors while we told ghost stories around the pretend campfire that Matthew built with sticks and leaves. 

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