Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Turtle Bread

The book Alpha-Bakery Gold Medal Children's Cookbook was bought on a whim at a consignment sale. It has since become a family favorite of ours as the recipes are creative and easy enough for children to follow along with. The book itself is small and squared so Matthew likes to store it in his toy kitchen as a menu to his restaurant. Having paid the very little price of a quarter for it we are positively getting a lot of use of it.      

The first recipe we tried from the book was turtle bread. One of the ingredients needed in the recipe was yeast. “Yup, putting in the beast,” Matthew said as he added it. He was also curious to know what butter tastes like. “Like chocolate?” he wagered. “Can I eat a tiny piece to make sure it doesn’t take like chocolate?” He was sorely disappointed to bite a chunk of butter stick to find out that it doesn’t taste like white chocolate. His turtle bread on the other hand tasted delicious.

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