Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Henry the Scarecrow

Henry is a decoration that Matthew latched onto when he was two and named Henry. The only way Henry makes it back into the holiday decoration box is by doing it when Matthew is at school. To the touch Henry feels starchy and wooden but on more than one occasion I have tucked Matthew in to find his beloved Henry protectively tucked under his arm. 

Henry is back this month. He came back with a note explaining that he was away on a trip to The Land of Thanksgiving. It is a place where people say one thing that they are thankful for before every meal.  They eat foods like turkey, yams, and cranberry sauce. It is 30 miles south of The North Pole and when Henry returns there in December he will make a stop to put in a good with with Santa about him.

Matthew answered some questions Henry asked him in his note. He is thankful for his best friend Henry. He likes to eat hot dogs. His baby sister is named Samantha. Henry asked him that so that he can put in a good word with Santa for her too. That Henry is one special house guest!

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